Everything about surf and bodyboarding travel
Texas Tube Tour 2020
2020 is the year that no one on the planet will ever forget. The year of the Covid-19 pandemic left no one on earth unaffected. Surf travel was no exception. Reservations canceled, world-class waves going unridden, travel restrictions worldwide.
In case you've been living in a cave, BSR (Barefoot Ski Ranch) Surf Resort is widely regarded as the premiere wave pool in the world.
In case you've been living in a cave, BSR (Barefoot Ski Ranch) Surf Resort is widely regarded as the premiere wave pool in the world.
El Salvador Bodyboarding trip with Bodyboard Holidays- February 2020
Waves were in the 6-8 foot range easily with bigger sets. We spent that day enjoying solid surf and warm water just a stone’s throw from our resort, and in between sessions, lounged in the hammocks and stuffed our bellies with epic food from the resort restaurant.
4th Annual Cabo Bodyboard Reunion Trip- 2019
Nothing beats traveling with lifelong friends and sharing tropical waves. The Annual Cabo Bodyboard Reunion Trip is the brainchild of former pro bodyboarder and professional off-road racer Cameron Steele. Cameron,...